By Rob, 27 August, 2024

Phase 1: Planning & Learning(weeks 1-3)

  1. Week 1
    1. Day 1-2: Define game concept
      1. outline game idea, mechanics, audience
      2. sketch basic game flow and game loop
    2. Day 3-7: Set up development environment
      1. install engine and other tools
      2. get familiar with engine interface and features
  2. Week 2: Learn Basics
    1. Day 8-9: follow a few beginner tutorials
      1. Complete a few tutorials from the game engine.
    2. Day 10-13: Experiment with simple mechanics
      1. Recreate basic game mechanic(Char
By Rob, 20 August, 2024

I enjoy learning and spending time with my family. I have a strong interest in technology, particularly 3D modeling and 3D printing, which I have pursued for the past eight years.

I've always had a knack for building things, especially digital ones. About thirteen years ago, I got pretty into app and game development. Unfortunately, health issues forced me to put that on hold. It's been a long time, and life has moved on. My wife and I now have kids, which means less free time for hobby projects.